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Department of Chemistry Fulmer IT

Adding User PIN for 305 Ricoh printer

In order to use the Ricoh printer in 305, you must have been granted access and given a PIN. This guide will show you how to add the feature once the printer has already been installed.

  1. Navigate to “Devices and Printers”
  2. Right click on “RICOH Pro 907EX PCL 6” and select “Printer properties”
    ** This name may vary depending on what name you gave it. Click on which ever printer is the 305 Ricoh printer.
  3. Select “Preferences…”
  4. Under “Job Type” select “Hold Print.”
  5. Select “Details…” and then type your PIN under “User ID”
  6. Click on the “Valid Access” tab and under “User Code” type in your PIN again.
  7. The printer should now be ready to be used normally.