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Department of Chemistry Fulmer IT

Creating a Signature in Outlook

Signature are very helpful, they help senders identify themselves to the people they are mailing to. A signature can be appended to every email that is sent, so a name or title does not have to be typed in every time. They can be as personalized as you need them to be and you can have more than one depending on who the recipients of the email are.

You will want to download the updated version our branded signature here -> Signature Template Download.

  1. A signature requires that you have Outlook open and an e-mail account already set up. To create a signature, click on File ->Options

  2. Within the Outlook Options Box, click on the side tab that says Mail. In the Mail options there will be a “Create or modify signature for messages” section. Click the tab that says “Signatures…”

  3. Create a new signature by clicking on the “New” Button. This will ask you to name the signature .
    Once the signature is named it can be edited in the signature editor. (Note: make sure the E-mail account is set to the correct email.) Once complete hit OK.

  4. From the downloaded signature temple you will want to copy-paste the template into outlook.
  5. Once you have replaced each of the templates with your accurate information you are good to click “OK” to save and keep your new signature.



Signatures on Mac

You will want to download the updated version our branded signature here -> Signature Template Download.

  1. In Outlook, click Outlook and select Preferences…
    Step 1
  2. In Preferences, select the box titled Signatures.
    Outlook preferences
  3. Click the “+” to create a new signature.
    From the downloaded signature temple you will want to copy-paste the template into outlook.
  4. Once you have replaced each of the templates with your accurate information you are good to click “OK” to save and keep your new signature.