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Department of Chemistry Chemistry Life Safety

Developing and Maintaining Chemical Hygiene Plan


A lab’s Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) is the center document to a laboratory’s safety policy and must meet OSHA’s Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories standard (29 CFR 1910.1450). OSHA’s summary of the required parts of a CHP can be seen on this fact sheet and include:

  • Standard Operating Procedures in respect to safety and health for each use of a hazardous chemical
    • including methods of reducing and minimizing hazards
  • Procedures for ensuring protective equipment (PPE, fume hoods, ect.) are function and used properly
  • Proper training and information is give to students and employees
    • location of where CHP is kept
    • Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) for OSHA regulated substances
    • Recommended PELs for other substances not OSHA regulated
    • Signs and symptoms associated with exposure to hazards chemical
    • Information and the location of reference material for hazardous material (including but not limited to SDS) on:
      • hazards
      • safe handling
      • storage
      • disposal
    • When prior approval for an activity is required
    • Who is responsible for implementing the CHP document (P.I.)
    • Additional protection working with particularly hazardous materials
    • documentation of all students and employees review of CHP and evaluation of CHP effectiveness and revision at least annually

This document can be combined with other documents such as log books, lab notebooks, and downloaded files to meet the requirements, but can only be considered if their availability and location are referenced in the CHP.


WSU’s requirements on laboratory CHPs are spelled out in SPPM 4.12 policy.

The following contents provides specific information required for each section of the CHP and provides a document which can be filled out.  Read carefully to ensure your CHP contains all necessary information.  A summary can be found on our EH&S site specific chemical hygiene plan.

  1. Responsibilities
  2. Purchasing, Storage, and Dispensing
  3. Secondary Labeling System
  4. Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
  5. Diagram of Laboratory
  6. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  7. Chemical Spill Information
  8. Site Specific Ventilation Information
  9. Employee Training

Sample CHP for chemistry storeroom