News about the Department

Awards honor outstanding faculty, staff, and students

Undergraduate awards Twenty-three outstanding seniors, each representing a degree program offered in the College of Arts and Sciences at WSU Pullman, will be honored at a separate medallion ceremony on Friday, May 3, the day before commencement. By College of Arts and Sciences for WSU Insider.

Bone defect research takes first at 3 Minute Thesis

The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) 3 Minute Thesis qualifier competition took place on March 6, in which 10 PhD students challenged themselves to present a distilled thesis within three minutes and with only one slide as a visual aid. Under the pressure of time and conveying their research to a general audience and […]

Meet the new faculty of 2023

The breadth of scholarly interests and teaching expertise of the college’s newest faculty—from environmental humanities and many-body physics to economic globalization and the history of visual storytelling—enriches and expands the arts and sciences across the WSU system. Click “read more” to learn a little about each of these new faculty members. Arts & Humanities | […]

Seed Grants for CAS faculty

Five College of Arts & Sciences received a 2023 New Faculty Seed Grant from the WSU Office of Research. The grant program supports junior faculty in developing research, scholarly, or creative programs that lead to sustained professional development and external funding. The program is sponsored by the Office of Research and the Office of the […]

Wogmans commit $5M through estate plans to support STEM teaching and research

Growing up in Spokane during the 1940s and ‘50s, Dr. Ned Wogman enjoyed a perfectly happy childhood. There was tennis. There was music. A younger brother. One thing there wasn’t—enough money between parents Walfred and Lela Wogman to send Ned to college, no matter how many lawns were mowed and no matter how much snow […]

Students honored for impact

As in many prior years, the WSU Student Employee of the Year (SEOTY) award highlights the importance of students who work while attending college and their role in the success of the university. Nominees must have demonstrated outstanding dedication and dependability, and made a positive impact on the offices where they work. While all WSU […]

Research to recover rare earth elements

Xiaofeng Guo, assistant professor of chemistry, is part of a national team of scientists who recently received $39 million to develop market-ready technologies to increase domestic supplies of elements necessary for the transition to clean energy. He will be investigating how supercritical carbon dioxide could be used to recover critical elements, especially rare earth elements, […]

Unique imaging instrument expands WSU capabilities

An X‑ray beamline with a first-of-its-kind imaging source is being installed at Washington State University’s Dodgen Research Facility. The instrument, valued at over $1 million, will allow researchers to study a range of materials at nano- and atomic-scales. “It’s a very versatile instrument,” said Liane Moreau, a WSU assistant professor of chemistry. “It’s the only […]