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Department of Chemistry Fulmer IT

TCP/IP Printing Win10

  1. From the Start orb, search for Devices and Printers. From the Devices and Printers dialog box, click on the Add a printer button.
  2. Select The printer that I want isn't listed from the Add Printer dialog box. This will make it easier to add the printer via IP address.
  3. Click on Add a printer using TCP/IP address or hostname and click next.
  4. Type in the static IP that was assigned to the printer under Hostname or IP address and make sure that Query the printer and automatically select the driver to use is checked (unless you plan on installing driver yourself).
  5. Windows talks to the printer at that IP address. If your computer is networking correctly, Windows will determine the make and model of your printer. Click Next.
  6. It is FulmerIT policy that you have the Do not share this printer checked.  Click Next.
  7. You may now run Print a test page to test the connection between your machine and the printer. You can also chose to set as the default printer here. Click Finish.
  8. You will now see your printer listed in your Devices and Printers. It should now be installed and ready to use.