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Department of Chemistry Fulmer IT

Create a Network ID

All faculty, staff and students need a WSU network ID. This is your primary security device at WSU. You will use your network ID to log onto department and University resources. Your network ID will be your WSU e-mail address. Your network id may be abbreviated to NID.

Your WSU number is unique. Keep your WSU number private. WSU employees do not need your number to identify you; offer your WSU Network ID instead.

  1. Using a network browser, connect to
  2. Select the link, Create Your Employee Network ID

    Step 2

  3. Enter your WSU number to start the process. The web page will look for your WSU number in the Employee list. If your number is not found in the list, you will be stopped at this point with a message that you are not eligible for a WSU network ID.
    Step 3
  4. Enter your birth date in the American style: mm/dd/yyyy e.g. 02/28/1984 for February 28th, 1984.
  5. The second piece varies depending on citizenship: a US citizen must provide the last four digits of his or her Social Security number. A citizen of any other country must provide a four digit, one-time access code. IT provides the one-time access code. Call IT at 335-HELP to get your access code.Assuming you are eligible, you need to confirm your identity with two more pieces of information.
  6. Upon entering your data, you will be asked to create a network ID, and two variants of your name will be offered. Per departmental policy, please select one of the recommended network ID.