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Department of Chemistry Fulmer IT


Chemistry licenses some software. Most packages are available to faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students majoring in chemistry. Some software is also available to students in chemistry classes. Availability is different for each application.

Each licensed application is listed in the Software menu. If you don’t see the application in the menu, it is not licensed by the department.

What about EndNote?

The department does not license EndNote or any reference manager for faculty or students. The libraries recommend Zotero or EndNote Basic, which are both free. Fulmer IT recommends Mendeley, which is also free.

What about LabView?

The department does not license LabView. We tried. We had a network license which didn’t work because the PC has to be on the network to fetch a license from the server. Most PCs were running instruments and not on the network. We talked to National Instruments about research licenses but those licenses are very expensive. We recommend buying a student edition of LabView for each project from WSU’s TechStore.

What about Something Else?

The department IT committee authorizes software licenses. If you believe the department would benefit from an application, make your recommendation to the chair of the IT committee, or send it to Fulmer IT. Fulmer IT will forward your recommendation to the chair for consideration.

If you are seeking an educational or best price on an application, Fulmer IT can help with that. We have accounts set up at some educational resellers especially Creation Engine. We can get a price for you.

Other Resources

WSU’s Software Site Licenses

The University does license some applications. The licenses are distributed by IT. The licenses are not free but they should be cheaper than a license from another vendor. To buy a software license through IT, ask the department fiscal technician to prepare an IRI. Present the IRI to IT for fulfillment.

WSU’s TechStore

“Washington State University, through Information Technology Services, has officially partnered with several companies to provide educational pricing and discounts for individual, personal purchases for WSU students, faculty and staff as well as for WSU departments interested in larger quantity purchases.”

Follow the button on the right to a sign-in page. You will be brought to pages of applications offered at educational pricing. You will buy these personally with a credit card. Some applications are free.